Evil Outpost on Ice Island | Minecraft 1.20 Java Seed

Evil Outpost on Ice Island | Minecraft 1.20 Java Seed

This Minecraft 1.20 Java Seed has an interesting concept... It has an evil-looking outpost...

  • Platform: Minecraft Java Version 1.20
r/minecraftseeds - The outpost looks so evil placed here [694200032092157814] at 0 100
Here is an overview of the surrounding biomes, a perfect survival and building seed! It even has a village nearby!

Head to coordinates 0, 100 on the map, and you will be greeted by the mysterious and funny-looking generation this seed offers, It's pretty unique...

Pillager outposts are semi-rare structures, generating every several hundred to a couple thousand blocks. This makes them rarer than villages but much less rare than woodland mansions.

In terms of unique seeds, it doesn't get any more unique than this, having a villager outpost spawn so high up is rare on its own so the fact its also perfectly placed on a ice spike is pretty interesting.

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