A desert village scene showing a villager near farmland with cactus flowers, while an enderman peeks out holding a cactus flower, and a TNT block sits atop a hill
SnapshotMarch 5, 20255 min read

Minecraft Snapshot 25w10a

It's time for a new Minecraft snapshot! This update brings the tntExplodes game rule from Bedrock Edition, new features in SNBT syntax, entity data storage improvements, and a fresh main menu background.

Key Changes

  • The Sheep wool texture has been tweaked to remove the stark line at the back
  • Blocks that are broken by a Piston now play their breaking sound
  • Updated the menu panorama for the first Game Drop of the year
  • The textures of Test Blocks and Test Instance Blocks have been updated
  • Cactus Flowers can now be placed on Farmland

Technical Changes Overview

  • Data Pack Version: Now 70
  • Resource Pack Version: Now 54
  • Entity Data: All entities can now store custom data
  • New Game Rule: tntExplodes (controls whether TNT can explode)
  • SNBT Format: New operations including bool() and uuid() functions

Technical Deep Dive

Entity Data Storage

Custom data (previously present only on Marker) is now available on all entities. This is exposed as a minecraft:custom_data component, so it can be set by spawning items and matched by predicates. The component is currently stored in a field called data, which will be changed in the future when more proper storage for entity components is introduced.

Entity and Block Predicates

A new optional field has been added to entity predicates: predicates. Its functionality and format is identical to the field predicates on item predicates, but they operate on entity components. Similar changes have been made to block predicates with the addition of components and predicates fields.

SNBT Format Improvements

To simplify input of data and macro use, SNBT now also supports the following operations:

  • bool(arg) - converts argument to boolean
    • If argument is a boolean value, returns value directly
    • If argument is a number value, returns true if it is non-zero
  • uuid(str) - converts string representation of UUID to integer array

Implicit infinite float values (like 1e1000) are now rejected.

New tntExplodes Game Rule

When set to false, TNT will not explode and cannot be primed. This game rule was previously only available in Bedrock Edition but has now been added to Java. The default value is true.

Impact on Map Making

The new tntExplodes game rule is particularly exciting for custom map creators. This Bedrock Edition feature finally making its way to Java opens up new possibilities for:

  • Adventure maps where TNT needs to be purely decorative
  • Puzzle maps where TNT mechanics need to be controlled precisely
  • Mini-games where TNT explosions need to be toggled dynamically
  • Safe creative building environments where accidental TNT ignition won't cause damage

Cactus Flowers: More Than Meets the Eye

The ability to place cactus flowers on farmland might seem like a small change, but it has interesting implications for desert builds and farm designs. This change allows for:

  • More realistic desert village aesthetics with proper desert farming areas
  • New opportunities for desert-themed garden designs
  • Integration with existing crop farms for more varied agricultural builds

Entity Data Storage Revolution

The expansion of custom data storage to all entities is a game-changer for technical players and map makers. Previously limited to Markers, this feature now enables:

  • Complex entity-based game mechanics without command block chains
  • Better performance for custom mini-games and adventures
  • More sophisticated NPC systems with persistent data
  • Enhanced mob behavior customization possibilities

Technical Player's Perspective

The combination of universal entity data storage and enhanced SNBT operations opens up exciting possibilities for technical players. The new bool() and uuid() functions in SNBT will significantly streamline data pack development, while the unified predicate system makes it easier to create consistent behavior across different types of game objects.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Flow Pottery Sherd is now in the correct spot in the creative inventory
  • Fixed reduced armor glint applying to tridents
  • Fixed beacons playing the deactivation sound every game tick while on the death screen
  • Fixed temperate cows having strange mapping/harsh borders
  • Fixed baby cows' heads being incorrectly positioned
  • Fixed cactus flowers not being able to be held by endermen
  • Fixed shears no longer consuming durability when used on insta-mined blocks
  • Fixed several game crashes and performance issues

How to Get the Snapshot

Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.

Warning: Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.

What's Your Favorite Change?

While this snapshot is more focused on technical improvements, the addition of the tntExplodes game rule offers interesting possibilities for custom maps and servers. The ability to place cactus flowers on farmland also opens up new decoration options for desert-themed builds.

Let us know what you think about these changes and if you're excited about the new main menu panorama for the first Game Drop of the year!


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