Minecraft Potion Brewing Guide
Learn how to brew all potions in Minecraft with our comprehensive guide. Find recipes, effects, and brewing trees for every potion in the game.

Lingering Potion of Fire Resistance
Creates a cloud that grants fire resistance to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Harming
Creates a cloud that damages players and mobs in the area, but heals undead mobs.

Lingering Potion of Healing
Creates a cloud that restores health to players and some mobs in the area, while damaging undead mobs.

Lingering Potion of Invisibility
Creates a cloud that grants invisibility to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Leaping
Creates a cloud that grants jump boost to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Night Vision
Creates a cloud that grants night vision to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Poison
Creates a cloud that poisons players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Regeneration
Creates a cloud that grants regeneration to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Slow Falling
Creates a cloud that grants slow falling to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Slowness
Creates a cloud that slows down players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Strength
Creates a cloud that grants increased attack damage to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Swiftness
Creates a cloud that grants speed to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master
Creates a cloud that grants high damage resistance but severely reduces movement speed to entities in the area.

Lingering Potion of Water Breathing
Creates a cloud that grants water breathing to players and mobs in the area.

Lingering Potion of Weakness
Creates a cloud that weakens players and mobs in the area, reducing their attack damage.

Potion of Decay
Applies the Wither effect, causing damage over time that can kill. Only obtainable through commands in Java Edition or from the Wither in Bedrock Edition.

Potion of Fire Resistance
Grants immunity to all forms of fire and lava damage, essential for Nether exploration.

Potion of Harming
Instantly causes damage when consumed or thrown, useful as a weapon in PvP combat.

Potion of Healing
Instantly restores health points when consumed, providing immediate recovery during combat or after taking damage.

Potion of Invisibility
Makes the drinker invisible to other players and most mobs, though armor and held items remain visible.

Potion of Leaping
Increases jump height, allowing you to reach higher places and clear larger gaps.

Potion of Luck
Increases luck, improving chances with loot tables that use the luck attribute (only obtainable through commands).

Potion of Night Vision
Brightens darkness, allowing clear vision underwater, in caves, and at night.

Potion of Poison
Causes damage over time, reducing health down to half a heart but not causing death.

Potion of Regeneration
Restores health gradually over time, providing sustained healing during exploration or combat.

Potion of Slow Falling
Reduces falling speed and prevents fall damage, perfect for exploring high places safely.

Potion of Slowness
Reduces movement speed, making it harder to move quickly. Useful in PvP combat.

Potion of Strength
Increases melee attack damage, making weapons more effective against enemies.

Potion of Swiftness
Increases movement speed, allowing you to run faster and navigate the world more quickly.

Potion of the Turtle Master
Grants high damage resistance but severely reduces movement speed, perfect for tanking damage.

Potion of Water Breathing
Allows underwater breathing, perfect for ocean exploration and underwater building.

Potion of Weakness
Reduces attack damage, making it harder to defeat enemies. Useful for converting zombie villagers.

Splash Potion of Fire Resistance
When thrown, grants fire resistance to nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Harming
When thrown, damages nearby players and mobs, but heals undead mobs.

Splash Potion of Healing
When thrown, instantly restores health to nearby players and some mobs, while damaging undead mobs.

Splash Potion of Invisibility
When thrown, grants invisibility to nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Leaping
When thrown, grants jump boost to nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Night Vision
When thrown, grants night vision to nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Poison
When thrown, poisons nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Regeneration
When thrown, grants regeneration to nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Slow Falling
When thrown, grants slow falling to nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Slowness
When thrown, slows down nearby players and mobs.

Splash Potion of Strength
When thrown, increases the melee attack damage of nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Swiftness
When thrown, increases the movement speed of nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of the Turtle Master
When thrown, grants high damage resistance but severely reduces movement speed to nearby entities.

Splash Potion of Water Breathing
When thrown, grants water breathing to nearby players and some mobs.

Splash Potion of Weakness
When thrown, weakens nearby players and mobs, reducing their attack damage.
About Minecraft Potion Brewing
Potion brewing is a complex but rewarding mechanic in Minecraft that allows players to create magical concoctions with various effects. These potions can provide buffs like increased strength, speed, or healing, or they can be used offensively against enemies.
Brewing Basics
To start brewing potions, you'll need a brewing stand, which is crafted using 1 blaze rod and 3 cobblestone blocks. The brewing stand must be powered with blaze powder to function. You'll also need glass bottles filled with water as the base for all potions.
Potion Types
There are three main types of potions in Minecraft:
- Normal Potions: These are consumed by the player to apply effects to themselves.
- Splash Potions: Created by adding gunpowder to a normal potion, these can be thrown to affect multiple entities in an area.
- Lingering Potions: Created by adding dragon's breath to a splash potion, these create a cloud of effect that lasts for a short time.
You can modify potions with the following ingredients:
- Redstone Dust: Extends the duration of a potion's effects.
- Glowstone Dust: Enhances (increases the level of) a potion's effects, but typically reduces duration.
- Fermented Spider Eye: Corrupts a potion, generally reversing or changing its effects.
Use our comprehensive brewing guide above to learn how to create every potion in Minecraft. Each potion page includes detailed information about effects, durations, and step-by-step brewing instructions.