4 Years & 10,000 Minecraft Days later and this is the kind of Survival world you can expect to see!

4 Years & 10,000 Minecraft Days later and this is the kind of Survival world you can expect to see!
Mega Build Survival Base

Yeah, that's right... Player Enigmont has been playing Minecraft on the same world for 4 years now and has totaled a whopping 10,000 in-game days total.

In this 4 year survival minecraft world he has managed to create massive farms for both food and mobs, amazing mega builds in the overworld as well as the nether!


3.5 years, 10k Minecraft days later in my survival world!

Here is a bird's eye view of his glass dome build! A whopping 200 by 200 was built right in the middle of the ocean, using thousands of blocks of glass, stone and everything in between!

His main survival build has its own perimeter making it fully mob proof!

A fully custom dug out nether for a very efficient gold farm build

and yes! he has also conquered the end world and has started yet another mega build, his first step was taking down all of the end pillars to rebuild them further out, once this was done he then removed all end stone from the main end island and has made his own custom platform.

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