Minecraft Java Edition Commands List 2025: Complete Guide for Beginners and Advanced Players
This comprehensive guide covers all essential Minecraft Java Edition commands for 2025, from basic cheats to advanced admin commands. Whether you're a beginner learning how to teleport or change gamemode, or a server admin looking for powerful commands, this guide has you covered with clear examples.
Commands in Minecraft allow you to modify your game experience, create amazing builds instantly, control server settings, and perform actions that would be impossible in regular survival gameplay. This guide will teach you everything from enabling cheats to mastering complex command syntax.
Quick Answers: Essential Minecraft Commands
How do I enable commands/cheats in Minecraft?
Open a world → Pause menu → Open to LAN → Enable cheats: ON → Start LAN World. For new worlds, select 'Create New World' → 'Allow Cheats: ON'.
How do I teleport in Minecraft?
Use /tp or /teleport followed by coordinates or player name: '/tp @s ~ ~5 ~' teleports you 5 blocks up, '/tp PlayerName' teleports to another player.
How do I find structures like strongholds in Minecraft?
Use the /locate command: '/locate structure minecraft:stronghold' finds the nearest stronghold. Other useful structures: village, mansion, monument, fortress, bastion_remnant, end_city.
How do I get my world seed in Minecraft?
Use the /seed command to display your current world's seed number. This is useful for sharing worlds or finding specific features.
How do I change gamemode in Minecraft?
Use /gamemode followed by the mode: '/gamemode creative', '/gamemode survival', '/gamemode adventure', or '/gamemode spectator'. Shorthand: '/gamemode c', '/gamemode s', etc.
How do I give myself custom items with enchantments in Minecraft?
Use /give with NBT tags: '/give @s minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:5}]}' gives a Sharpness V diamond sword.
How do I teleport between dimensions in Minecraft?
Use /execute with in: '/execute in minecraft:the_nether run tp @s ~ 100 ~' teleports to the Nether. Replace with minecraft:the_end for the End dimension.
How do I spawn custom mobs with armor and weapons?
Use /summon with NBT data: '/summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItems:[{},{},{id:"minecraft:diamond_chestplate",Count:1b},{}],HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:diamond_sword",Count:1b},{}]}' spawns a zombie with diamond armor and sword.
How do I create a world border in Minecraft?
Use /worldborder set <diameter>: '/worldborder set 1000' creates a 1000×1000 border. Use '/worldborder center ~ ~' to center it on your position.
How do I display text on screen to all players?
Use /title: '/title @a title {"text":"Welcome!","color":"gold"}' shows a gold welcome message. Use 'subtitle' instead of 'title' for smaller text below.
Complete Minecraft Java Commands Guide
/gamemode <mode>
Changes your game mode to survival, creative, adventure, or spectator
- /gamemode creative - Switch to creative mode
- /gamemode survival - Switch to survival mode
- /gamemode adventure - Switch to adventure mode
- /gamemode spectator - Switch to spectator mode
- /gamemode c/s/a/sp - Use shorthand versions
/tp [target] <location> [<yRot> <xRot>]
Teleports players or entities to specific coordinates, other entities, or with specific rotation
- /tp @s ~ ~5 ~ - Teleport yourself 5 blocks up
- /tp @s 100 64 -200 facing 120 70 -180 - Teleport to coordinates and face another position
- /tp @s ~ ~ ~ 90 45 - Teleport in place but rotate to face east and look down at 45°
- /tp @s @e[type=minecraft:village,limit=1,sort=nearest] - Teleport to the nearest village
- /tp @e[type=zombie,distance=..50] @s - Teleport all zombies within 50 blocks to you
- /execute in minecraft:the_nether run tp @s ~ 100 ~ - Teleport to the Nether at y-level 100
/give <player> <item> [amount]
Gives items to players, with optional NBT data for custom properties
- /give @s minecraft:diamond 64 - Give yourself 64 diamonds
- /give @s minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:5},{id:"minecraft:looting",lvl:3}]} - Give enchanted sword
- /give @s minecraft:potion{CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:1,Amplifier:3,Duration:9600}]} - Give custom speed potion
- /give @s minecraft:written_book{pages:['{"text":"My Custom Book"}'],title:"Guide",author:"Me"} - Give written book
- /give @s minecraft:netherite_pickaxe{display:{Name:'{"text":"Miner's Dream","italic":false,"color":"gold"}'},Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:efficiency",lvl:5},{id:"minecraft:fortune",lvl:3}]} - Named enchanted pickaxe
/locate <structure|biome> <name>
Finds the nearest specified structure or biome
- /locate structure minecraft:stronghold - Find nearest stronghold
- /locate structure minecraft:village - Find nearest village
- /locate structure minecraft:nether_fortress - Find nearest Nether fortress
- /locate biome minecraft:jungle - Find nearest jungle biome
- /locate structure minecraft:end_city - Find nearest End City
Displays the seed of the current world
- /seed - Show the current world seed
How to Enable Commands in Minecraft
Before you can use these commands, you need to enable cheats:
- For existing worlds: Open the world → Pause menu → Open to LAN → Enable cheats: ON → Start LAN World
- For new worlds: Create New World → Allow Cheats: ON
- For servers: Set "enable-command-block=true" in server.properties and make yourself an operator