Minecraft Java Edition Commands 101: Complete Guide

Introduction to Minecraft Commands

Minecraft Java Edition commands are powerful tools that allow players to modify the game, control the environment, and enhance their gameplay experience. Whether you're looking for Minecraft cheats, console commands, or server commands, this guide has you covered. From basic gameplay controls to advanced world manipulation, we'll explore all the essential Minecraft commands you need to know.

This comprehensive guide is perfect for server administrators, mapmakers, and players looking to add some excitement to their game. We'll cover a wide range of commands, including how to use commands in Minecraft, the most useful Minecraft commands, and even some hidden Minecraft commands you might not know about.

To use commands in Minecraft Java Edition, you need to enable cheats when creating a world or have operator status on a server. To enter a command, open the chat window by pressing the T key, then type a forward slash (/) followed by the command. Let's dive into the world of Minecraft commands and discover how to become a Minecraft command master!

Basic Commands

These are the fundamental commands that every Minecraft player should know. They cover basic functionality and are useful in various situations.

  • /help
    Description: Displays a list of available commands or info about a specific command.
    Example: /help time
  • /say
    Description: Broadcasts a message to all players.
    Example: /say Hello, everyone!
  • /me
    Description: Displays a message about yourself.
    Example: /me is mining diamonds
  • /seed
    Description: Displays the world seed.
    Example: /seed
  • /list
    Description: Lists all online players.
    Example: /list
  • /msg
    Description: Sends a private message to a player.
    Example: /msg Steve Hey, can you help me?
  • /tellraw
    Description: Sends a JSON message to players.
    Example: /tellraw @a color":"gold
  • /title
    Description: Displays title text on players' screens.
    Example: /title @a title color":"red

Advanced Commands

These commands are more complex and powerful, often used by server administrators, mapmakers, and advanced players.

  • /execute
    Description: Executes another command with specific conditions.
    Example: /execute as @a at @s run setblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:stone
  • /scoreboard
    Description: Manages scoreboard objectives and scores.
    Example: /scoreboard objectives add Money dummy "Player Money"
  • /data
    Description: Gets, merges, modifies and removes block entity and entity NBT data.
    Example: /data get entity @p SelectedItem
  • /function
    Description: Runs a function.
    Example: /function namespace:function_name
  • /clone
    Description: Copies blocks from one place to another.
    Example: /clone 0 64 0 5 70 5 10 64 10

Gamerule Commands

Gamerules allow you to modify various aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Here's a comprehensive list of gamerules you can change using the /gamerule command:

  • announceAdvancements
    Announces advancements in chat
  • commandBlockOutput
    Broadcast command block output to ops
  • disableElytraMovementCheck
    Disables elytra movement check
  • disableRaids
    Disables raids
  • doDaylightCycle
    Advances time
  • doEntityDrops
    Entities drop items
  • doFireTick
    Fire spreads and naturally extinguishes
  • doImmediateRespawn
    Respawns player immediately without death screen
  • doInsomnia
    Phantoms can spawn in the overworld
  • doLimitedCrafting
    Players can only craft unlocked recipes
  • doMobLoot
    Mobs drop items and experience
  • doMobSpawning
    Mobs spawn naturally
  • doPatrolSpawning
    Patrols can spawn
  • doTileDrops
    Blocks drop items when broken
  • doTraderSpawning
    Wandering traders can spawn
  • doWeatherCycle
    Weather changes naturally
  • drowningDamage
    Entities take drowning damage
  • fallDamage
    Entities take fall damage
  • fireDamage
    Entities take fire damage
  • freezeDamage
    Entities take freeze damage
  • keepInventory
    Players keep inventory on death
  • logAdminCommands
    Logs admin commands to server log
  • maxCommandChainLength
    Sets maximum command chain length
  • maxEntityCramming
    Sets max number of pushable entities
  • mobGriefing
    Mobs can change blocks
  • naturalRegeneration
    Players regenerate health naturally
  • playersSleepingPercentage
    Percentage of players to sleep to skip night
  • randomTickSpeed
    Sets random tick update frequency
  • reducedDebugInfo
    Limits info on debug screen
  • sendCommandFeedback
    Sends command feedback to players
  • showDeathMessages
    Shows death messages in chat
  • spawnRadius
    Sets the spawn radius
  • spectatorsGenerateChunks
    Spectators can generate chunks
  • universalAnger
    Mobs get angry at all players when attacked

To change a gamerule, use the command: /gamerule <rule> <value>
For example: /gamerule keepInventory true

Command Blocks and Automation

Command blocks are special blocks in Minecraft that can execute commands. They're often used to create complex systems, mini-games, and automated processes in Minecraft worlds.

To use a command block, you need to be in Creative mode and have cheats enabled. Place a command block and right-click it to open its interface. Here, you can enter commands that will be executed based on the block's settings.

There are three types of command blocks:

  • Impulse: Executes once when activated by redstone.
  • Chain: Executes when the command block pointing into it is activated.
  • Repeat: Executes every game tick as long as it's activated.

Command blocks open up a world of possibilities for creating complex mechanisms and custom gameplay experiences in Minecraft.


Mastering Minecraft Java Edition commands can greatly enhance your gameplay experience, whether you're a casual player, a server administrator, or a mapmaker. These commands provide powerful tools to modify the game world, control player attributes, and create complex systems.

Remember, the best way to learn is by experimenting. Try out these commands in a test world, and don't be afraid to combine them in creative ways. As you become more comfortable with basic commands, you can start exploring more advanced techniques like command block automation and custom functions.

Keep in mind that some commands may vary slightly between different versions of Minecraft Java Edition. Always refer to the official Minecraft wiki for the most up-to-date information on commands for your specific version.

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