Converting any Video into a Minecraft animation tool Datapack

Converting any Video into a Minecraft animation tool Datapack

Yeah, that's right, turn any video into a Minecraft animation!

Player Rezzorex spent a few weeks creating a Python script that will convert any mp4 file you give it into a chiseled bookshelves animation. Enabled by datapacks.


Bad apple animation created by data pack script

Anyone can get their hands on script and turn your videos into an in-game animation, Below is a link to the github repo which will provide you with everything you need to set it up.

Usage instructions

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of python installed.
  2. Open a command Window by pressing ⊞ Win + r and then enter "cmd" and hit Enter. Install all of the required python packages by pasting each of the commands from above.
  3. Download the code and extract the files into a folder. Add the video you want to convert to that same folder.
  4. Open the "" file and a window should pop up. Follow the instructions on screen and then wait until the program has finished. There should now be a new folder called "output".
  5. Copy the files from the output folder into your data packs "functions" folder. If you don't already have a data pack you can use the data pack template available with the download. If you do simply paste the files into "data/cb/functions".
  6. Create a Minecraft world with the "update_1_20" data pack enabled. (You need to do this before generating the world, it can't be done after)
  7. Add the generated data pack to your world and it should appear at the cords you specified.

To restart the animation you can run the command "/scoreboard player set .current frame 0"

This is data pack that will need to be placed into your world for it to work.

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